Friday, December 14, 2018

Does your head itch after or during your color service?

So recently I was indroduced to a new color line called Jack Winn Pro!  Now you all know how much I love Surface Hair Products.  Well I can confidently say I feel the same way about this color.  The owner of company is a chemist turned hairdresser.  His moto is to make hairdresser's lives better!
  Our business is one of the most toxic industries.  And Surface and Jack Winn are here to try to make it a healthier one for us and you.  Since we started using JWP color, our guests have made comments like. . . "my head used to itch when you did my color" ; or " did you use a new product on my hair because it is soooo shiny"!   WHAT?  Your head was itchy and you didn't tell me?  Anyway, people are loving it.  
What we see is better grey covverage that doesn't fade off of grey.  Cooler blondes that were unachievable before.  Reds staying vibrant from appointment to appointment! And, YES,  hair that is healthier and shinier.  
I am so happy to have companies like Jack Winn Pro and Surface Hair to use and offer all of you lovely people!